Monday, 7 February 2011

So what are you thoughts on the new HTC Desire HD?

It's a really awesome phone in my opinion! Very solid build and has at least a little weight in your hand. The aluminum casing does make it feel so much better than some phone with a plasticy feeling. I hate some phones that feel like they will break with the slightest touch. So what are you opinions on it? Any comparisons or even improvements that could be made?

- Posted from iPhone


EPIC NEWS said...

i have a feeling you could release a standard definition handheld and call it HD just cause and youd get revenue.

Toomuchtime said...

Meh, I still don't use a smartphone because I really don't see the point in it...

HéxXxèN said...

i want this cellphone !!!

Rondariel said...

Hm interesting. I kinda need a decent phone soon, might look at this.
lol at posted from iPhone... why?

Sam said...

I used my iPod Touch to post this hahaa, I'm also looking around for a decent smart phone The Desire is my friends and he loves it to death!

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